Legal services

Crash Management

Let us take the hassle out of navigating your way through a non fault accident

Our friendly and professional team of experts which includes fully certified IMI repair specialist and our dedicated team of solicitors  at Kearney Law group, practising in both NI and ROI will deal with every aspect of accident /claim and get you back on the road.

Don’t worry about cost, we will recover all costs from the at fault driver’s insurance.

Just sit back, relax, put us in the driving seat, whilst we work to get you back in yours.

Legal representation

Our legal team Kearney Law group specialise in personal injury who also practise in ROI.  Their wealth of experience will offer the best personal legal guidance to each case.

Medical/Personal Injury claims

Our dedicated legal team will put you in contact with the relevant medical professional to assess your condition and help you receive the correct level of compensation.